Dataset for Information and Accountability Transparency (2014)

Data source: Andrew Williams

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The article "A global index of information transparency and accountability" (Williams, 2014) uses a relatively new methodology, similar to Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, to construct composite indicators of Informational Transparency, and Accountability. These new indicators use data from 29 sources, with scores being derived annually between 1980 and 2010 across more than 190 countries.

Last updated by source: 2014-09-23

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Williams, A. (2015). A global index of information transparency and accountability. Journal of Comparative Economics, 43(3), 804–824.

Variables in this dataset:

   Accountability Transparency
QoG Code: diat_ati

Accountability Transparency. The author has 16 separate indicators for the Accountability Transparency Index (six for the measurement of a free media, four for fiscal transparency, and six for political constraints). 1980 is considered to be the base year. The Accountability Transparency Index has 115 countries in 1980, but rising to up to 189 countries towards the end of the period.

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   Information Transparency
QoG Code: diat_iti

Information Transparency. Sub-indicators are constructed to reflect the nuances of this type of transparency. Specifically, three sub-components are constructed: (1) the existence of a free and independent media; (2) fiscal (budgetary) transparency; (3) political constraints. The author has 13 separate indicators for the Information Transparency Index (six for the quantity of information, four for the processes that generate that information, and three for the infrastructure required to disseminate that information). 1980 is considered to be the base year. The Information Transparency Index (ITI) has scores for initially 153 countries in 1980, increasing over time to 191 by the year 2010.

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   Transparency Index
QoG Code: diat_ti

The Transparency Index is a combined index of the Information Transparency Index and the Accountability Transparency Index.

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